A New Approach

to Voice Coaching

with Platinum Award Winner

Claude Stein

We offer a transformational process of voicework that connects speakers to their deepest intention and generates high level impact.

A New Approach
to Voice Coaching
with Platinum Award Winner
Claude Stein

We offer a transformational process of voicework that connects speakers to their deepest intention and generates high level impact.



Performative stylizing becomes a thing of the past as we cultivate true authentic presence. Poor vocal habits are corrected and we develop the vocal inflections and nuances that inspire genuine empathy and trust.

“Claude helps lawyers access the truth of who they are, freeing the powerful advocate inside.”
Author: “Rules of the Road ”



Develop a charismatic voice that is rooted in values and driven by purpose. A wide variety of vocal skills are woven into presentations that empower and uplift the listener.

“Participants transform quickly into bold leaders daring to be vulnerable in order to lead powerfully.”
Director Emeritus
McKinsey & Company

